{Marathon} Madness

I did it.

We did it.

Chrissy and I finished the Disney Marathon under 6 hours (5:31:46).

It was brutally hot and the last mile was the worst.  I hit my wall at mile 25, but I wiped away the tears and pushed through it.  Of course, not before we stopped for one last photo in front of Spaceship Earth with only a quarter mile left to run.

SpaceShip Earth

We started this journey together and we finished together.

Last_StretchAnd we’ll do it all again next Sunday at the Clear water Marathon to join the ranks of Marathon Maniacs.

Minnie Mice

And I’ll be ready for two more big ass bottles of champagne.


Marathon Mamas

(Stay tuned for a full Disney marathonrace recap later this week.)

Visit Xmas Dolly and Jade Louise Designs for more Music Monday.


  1. Rorybore says:

    Congratulations! that is awesome and I love the Minnie outfits! but under 6 hours of straight running?! wow, you’re my hero. I don’t think I wanna even do something “fun” for 6 straight hours. LOL
    Love Muse!

  2. Xmasdolly says:

    Totally awesome girlfriend! You look fantastic is that a medal I see? You look hot for sure, hehehe thanks or sharing. New song for me though. It totally rocks!

  3. Cathy Kennedy says:

    Congrats on an achievement well done, my friend! As you know, runnning is NOT my cup of tea. I would collapse in a heap after a mile, I’m sure of it. But, you went 25 miles? Holy cow! You have reason to be proud and celebrate. With that in mind, this week’s theme is definitely right down your alley – music you like to exercise to, right? Have a marvelous week and thanks for joining us on Monday’s Music Moves Me!

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