Soup du Juor Vlog Hop: How to Run a Marathon Without Looking Like You Ran a Marathon

soupdujour_blogbuttonFor this week’s Soup du Jour, I’m joining Mama Kat’s Vlogging Workshop.  One of the prompts offered this week asked to share your favorite makeup.  Therefore, I took the opportunity to share my stunner runner trade secrets: what makeup I use during races and the importance to look great for photographers at races.

Ironically, while I’m talking about the importance of looking good, I snort right into the camera. Plus, there’s an occasional nose itch.  Yeah, that’s attractive.  Hey, I have allergies, people!   I’m just keeping real.

Real beautiful.

Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.

Nose scratching, snortingly beautiful.



 *Also shared here*


  1. Caroline Calcote says:

    I noticed yesterday at Airheads how pretty you looked…even after we worked out! I am one of those who always goes totally barefaced to races or to the gym. I just feel like I sweat like a fiend and I’d have makeup dripping off. But you definitely have it down!

    • Denise says:

      Awwwww…Aren’t you sweet?! Thank you! Yes, it’s important to look beautiful when you trip and fall on your ass. 😀

  2. Laura says:

    OMG! I’m LOL-ing over the eyebrow thing! The Italian in me unfortunately has blessed me with super brows! But, I ALWAYS wear mascara to every since race, it’s a weird sort of ritual. Hopefully I’m not looking like Tammy Faye Baker 🙂

    • Denise says:

      I feel you over the eyebrow thing. Myself being Hispanic and Italian, I can grow one hell of a unibrow before waxing! LOL Waterproof is a MUST! Get some!

  3. Jenny says:

    I just need a makeover. I never wear makeup, just a dab of lip gloss if I’m lucky, or maybe I should say if the people that are looking at me are lucky. You always look amazing!

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