Art Alive

IMG_9633On Sunday, my family and I visited the Dunedin Fine Arts Center and its hands-on children’s museum.  In a colorful and inviting setting, young artists learn the basic elements of surrealism.  From Dali’s famous melted clocks to Magritte’s floating bowler hats, some of the most recognizable icons of surrealism are introduced to children. 



Each station in the exhibit encourages children to imagine and create their own masterpieces.   Using tools such as paper and markers or toys and a camera, children can demonstrate their artistic style.  Even my biggest child enjoyed producing his very first short animation film.



 Allana, my little artist, felt right at home in the museum. 

 artist allana


Emmalynn loved creating living surreal artwork.





During our visit, we stumbled upon Second Sunday and the fabulous Tampa Bay Balloon Jammers.  To each child’s delight, a balloon artist built whimsical and unique creatures.  My girls happily wore their hats all day.






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