Mama Karma

I like to believe that I coined the expression “Mama Karma”.

We’ve all experienced Mama Karma at some point during our journey through motherhood. It starts with a comment you make about someone else’s child. Perhaps while dining out, you hear the banshee screams from a toddler on the other side of the restaurant. You notice a circle of discarded food in a 4 foot perimeter around the highchair and a toddler covered from head to toe with food.  You think to yourself or may even proclaim out loud, “Thank GOD, my child does not act like that in restaurants! My little one has always been so well-behaved.”

And that’s when you are destined to be hit with Mama Karma. It might not happen right away. It may occur during the next phase in your child’s development. (You know, those “Terrible Twos” or those dreaded teen years that everyone keeps warning you about?) Perhaps, your next child will bring on the boomerang of Mama Karma.  It may take weeks, months or even years but Mama Karma will eventually hit you with an unexpected dose of reality.

The bottom line is never say never, especially when you are a parent.  As soon as you utter the words “My child has never”, you are destined to eat them in time.

Mama Karma has recently reared its ugly head once again in the Taylor home.  Having been a creator of the expression “Mama Karma”, you would think I would learn by now.  Alas, even the professor needs to learn a lesson or two.

I made the mistake of boasting how my children never watch the show Yo Gabba Gabba!  If you are not familiar with the preschool program, Noggin and Nick Jr air daily raves for our preschoolers and the popularity of the show makes me cringe.  Like a product of a bad acid trip, bizarre creatures live in DJ Lance Rock’s boom box and teach life-lessons to a hip-hop beat. Admittedly, the tunes are very catchy, but I always manage to change the channel or avoid the television when this show airs.

As to be expected, after denouncing the existence of the happy hip-hop program, my children begged me to watch the show a week later.  Realizing I had experienced yet another dose of Mama Karma, I made the best of an awful situation by dancing and skippy, skip, skip, skipping around my living room with my children.  Thankfully, my children have not asked to watch the show again since then.  If by chance my children do ask to watch the show again, I will remind them they must tidy up their toys and pick it up, pick it up, pick it up before they can watch the show.

There are many lessons to be learned for all of us. Well played, Mama Karma.


  1. geriatricmama says:

    Thank you for making me giggle this morning… simultaneous to the *shudder* of thinking about my toddler also watching Yo Gabba Gabba… 😀

  2. ali says:

    You know how if a sound is pitched high enough only dogs can hear it? I’m beginning to think that there’s something going on with Yo Gabba Gabba that only attracts kids! I just don’t get it!

  3. SeattleDad says:

    Love it! We experienced that kind of Karma often in the early going in relation to sleep. In fact my very first post was on the subject. It is one of those taboo things that we learned not to talk about when things went well cause it would come back to bite you.

    If it’s not there you should submit Mama Karma.

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