
I suspect that this may be the last year Allana believes in Santa Claus.  She may have already let go of the idea ages ago, but she hasn’t shared that knowledge with anyone especially her little sister.  Honestly, I think she hasn’t shared her doubt with me because she knows I still believe.


For four years in a row, Allana has asked for a stuffed polka dot elephant from the Island of Misfit Toys featured in the animated classic, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  Each Christmas, Santa sent an apology letter explaining how the elves couldn’t make enough toys to fulfill every child’s request.  It broke my heart to see the disappointment in her face but our Santa wasn’t willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a small collector’s toy on eBay.


This Christmas, both girls have asked for the stuffed polka dot toy, but thankfully Santa has teamed up with the elves at Build-a-Bear and he will finally be able to fulfill this long awaited request.



I hope this small stuffed toy delivers another year for Allana believing in Santa Claus.




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  1. Larry H. says:

    I’m glad Build-A-Bear was able to help you out – I’m sure your daughters will love it! Great story and thanks for sharing.

    And a perfect song to go with your post. Merry Christmas!

  2. Thom says:

    What a touching little story this is and the video goes so well with this. 🙂 I bet she will always believe after this Christmas 🙂 Excellent my friend. Happy Holidays to you and your family 🙂

  3. Bibi says:

    That is so sweet. I am sure this will erase any doubts she’s starting to have.

    My sons are 8 and 13 and do not believe anymore, but they do try to pretend and keep the magic for me and their little cousins. Gotta love them.

  4. Tami says:

    I love that song, I don’t think I’ve ever heard it and I know I haven’t seen Polar Express, I know – I’ve been under a rock, but – – It’s me.

  5. Madeleine says:

    Oh bless that is so sweet. Great music. I tried to listen and comment this morning but nothing loaded. Glad I stopped by again :O)

  6. peggy says:


    I just love Josh Grobin and a perfect song for Christmas.
    Maybe you might have one more year of believing, miracles happen at this time of year all the time!
    Merry Merry Christmas!

  7. Kyooty says:

    I hope you get another year. Our 11yrold has given up the idea, but keeping him from “giving it up” for everyone is where I struggle. His brother are 9 and 5 so they have some more believing years.

  8. says:

    I was SO lucky to meet the woman who owns Build-a-Bear and she is the sweetest woman in the whole world. It is no wonder that there is where you would be able to fulfill your daughters’ wishes for Christmas.
    What a lovely song you have picked for your Spotlight Dance. Thank you for always playing along with us and for including us in your linky. With your help, our little meme has truly grown in the last few months. I look forward to keep playing along with you next year.
    Happy Christmas and a joyous new year to you and your family… and your new polka dot elephants! 🙂

  9. Classic NYer says:

    Aw… what a sweet story! And such a sweet song to go along with it… thanks for blessing my page! I’ll have to look up Sarah McLachlan’s version. It just sounds like it will be good. 🙂

  10. Lucinda says:

    Awww. I asked for a specific fluffy blue elephant from Santa as a kid and he brought me a short-coated knock-off instead. I was disappointed, which made me feel terribly guilty for not loving the one I received…so he then became my favorite.
    This spotted elephant you found at BAB is awesome!
    Merry Christmas!!

  11. Kelly says:

    I hope she doesn’t read your blog 😉 Since you still believe as I do, do you get presents from Santa too?

  12. Amanda Moore says:

    Thank goodness for build a bear! Gosh sometimes being the grown up can be so tough. I hope you and your family have a magical Christmas this year but no matter the type of Christmas the best present is that your family is together and complete!

  13. Winifred Newman says:

    I was SO lucky to meet the woman who owns Build-a-Bear and she is the sweetest woman in the whole world. It is no wonder that there is where you would be able to fulfill your daughters’ wishes for Christmas. What a lovely song you have picked for your Spotlight Dance. Thank you for always playing along with us and for including us in your linky. With your help, our little meme has truly grown in the last few months. I look forward to keep playing along with you next year. Happy Christmas and a joyous new year to you and your family… and your new polka dot elephants! 🙂

  14. Laurie Bailey says:

    Aw… what a sweet story! And such a sweet song to go along with it… thanks for blessing my page! I’ll have to look up Sarah McLachlan’s version. It just sounds like it will be good. 🙂

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