For the Summer

With temperatures in the 90s, summer has arrived early here in Florida as it always does.  Since today is Memorial Day, it’s our official start to summer especially since the kids only have two days left of school.

I have big plans for the summer.  For the most part, I want to enjoy each day to the fullest with my kids.  Last summer, I was so pregnant and uncomfortable and it made it difficult to enjoy anything.  I have such mama guilt over that, but I promised to make it up to my kids this summer and it starts on Day 1 of summer vacation at a pool party with our school friends.  Day 2, we’re off the beach and then Busch Gardens on Day 3.

With all these summer plans, my main objective is to slow down even though it doesn’t sound like that at all.  But on top of all my big summer plans, I’m really looking forward to lazy mornings, no homework or projects to finish and not being a taxi shuttling back and forth from one activity to another.

So although I’ve got a lot planned, priority number one is to slow down for a little while and soak up every minute this summer, because it will be August and the girls will be back at school before we know it.

Visit AmandaXmas Dolly and Hairbows & Guitar Picks for more Music Monday fun.


  1. Dollycas says:

    Great plans, my youngest graduates from High School on the 11th. I can’t believe it, time flies!!! Enjoy every minute you can because before you know uit their schedules will be busier than yours!

  2. Mom's Home Run says:

    At least you’re off to a very good start! Even though I try to look forward to Summer vacation, I also find it quite a challenge. A bit like going out for a run actually!

  3. XmasDolly says:

    Great song choice thanks for sharing and playing along with us today. Hope to see you next week too! Yes, it’s a shame, but don’t blink you’ll be dressing the kids for school, and getting out their winter clothes once again. Sheesh! For me it seems like only yesterday I was fighting with my brother, and then arguing with the kids to pick up their toys, and now I argue with the grandkids to slow down and wait for NaNee to catch up. Don’t blink it comes sooner then you want it too!

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