Music Monday: Shine Your Way {Back to School}

A few weeks ago, the girls headed back to school with bright new backpacks, clean and pressed uniforms and all shiny new school supplies.

More than a new school year, both girls began new chapters in their education.  Allana begins middle school in the same K-8 school as her sister but now she will have her very own locker and she is super excited about that.

Emmalynn begins third grade and faces the dreaded FCAT for the first time.  She’s a bright girl but has trouble staying on task and completing assignments.  Although we mistook her behavior issues for ADHD, Emmalynn recently was diagnosed with oculomotor dysfunction by her optometrist.  Her inability to track and focus while reading and writing explains some of the classroom behavior concerns we’ve dealt with during her primary years.  I had such mama guilt over that.

Early August, we began vision therapy session to correct it and we’ve already seen huge progress in just a short amount of time.  I also began the process for FCAT modifications so she can receive more time to complete tasks and tests.  Now that we have a name for her behaviors, we’ll be less hard on her and be more supportive.

Here’s hoping both girls shining their way through the new school year.

For Music Mondays, I’m now teaming up with my good friend and fellow Marathon Mama, Chrissy.

Visit Xmas Dolly and Jade Louise Designs for more Music Monday.


  1. Lynn@Southern Direction says:

    I’m glad your kids are off to such a good start. The optical problem is makes me think about my son who is out of school now but had a hard time with the reading. The only label they could give him was that he had a decoding problem. Thanks for sharing that.

    I liked your tune and congratulations on all your running accomplishments.

    • Denise says:

      Yes, I began to evaluate my own school experience and issues with reading. At least we’ll get a BOGO deal on the therapy. 😉 Thanks for stopping and offering the support and encouragement!

  2. Cathy kennedy says:

    Gr8 photos of your kiddos back-to-school moment! They sure do grow up fast, just look Allana? She’s budding into a young lady right before our eyes. Today’s musical pick is new-to-me. Love the upbeat tune! Thanks for dancing with the 4M crew!

  3. Naila Moon says:

    YOu children are all sweet hearts.
    I am glad you have a diagnosis for her problem.
    No more Mama guilt! Not your fault! 🙂

    Love the music and new one to me.
    ROck on and have a great school year girls!

  4. Jenn @ Jenn Likes It says:

    What a relief to know what you’re dealing with. It actually sounds like what I’ve experienced with reading. I’ve never been able to read for very long. I often have to reread paragraphs because the words seem to move around the page. Does reading make her sleepy? I might have to look into this some more for myself. Hope you all have an awesome school year!

  5. Rorybore says:

    Great back to school pictures. my eldest gets a locker this year too – very excited about that. and pretty much only that. LOL
    Hope your girls have a great school year.

    I think I’d like to start every morning with this song. I mean, how could you possible have a bad day? Shine!

  6. Colette S says:

    Beautiful photos of your children. Indeed they have grown since I last saw them with you in the marathon!

    Glad the school year is starting off wonderfully.

    Thanks for rocking with us too!
    Aloha 🙂

  7. XmasDolly says:

    Now those girls are just getting to big! You need to tell them to slow down a bit would ya! I mean really! 🙂 Cute song… new one for me though. Thanks for sharing, and joining us. Have a great week.

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