• Kimberly C says:

      This is the best Beer drink I have tried and trust me it starts conversations within a bar if you are looking to network…It’s a great drink if it is made correctly.

  1. judys424 says:

    Not familiar with the drink.. nor its ingredients. But it looks refreshing πŸ™‚ Nice smile too..:)

  2. Dore says:

    So… how did it taste? I’m not a beer person, so not sure I could’ve done it!

    You look fabulous in the picture!

    Happy WW!

  3. Motherboard says:

    I was a-skeert to click on the link you left.. I am relieved to see that you are indeed not a dirty-ho but a very lovely woman!

    Happy WW! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. momactive says:

    Hee hee that is awesome! Beer is definitely a major source of carbs so good to see you carbo loading before a race! Thanks for stopping by – glad to have found your blog!

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