Don’t Be Green With Envy!

 My Organically Groan post was included in 5 Minutes for Going Green’s Weekly “Around the Greenosphere: Weekly Link Roundup”.  This has been a very exciting blogging week for me.  I am one proud Mama Blogga who wants to share her new baby with the world.  🙂  And on that note, it looks like I need to add another bloggie button to my collection.  So, what do you think?  Is green is my color?


  1. ali says:

    I’d say green is definitely your color! Great article by the way. I’m guilty of buying fruits and veggies from the grocery store but I can see the benefits to buying/growing organic foods in order to support local food markets. In today’s world I think that’s the way to go. Just look at the scares we’ve had with spinach and tomatoes.

    I’m reading Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle right now and it’s seriously making me want to expand my 2-tomato-&-2-squash-plant garden!

  2. fitatfortyplus says:

    In 1999 my sister, aged 39, learned that she had breast cancer. In the coming months we did a lot of reading about breast cancer and cancer in general. The number of pulished research articles that we read that tied diet to cancer was astounding. I almost quit eating altogether. As a matter of fact, over the next two years I gave up meat altogether; growth hormones and antibiotics in meat are directly correlated with breast cancer risks. I lived in fear of eating any meat. Those were a long two years and I eventually phased meat back into my diet.
    My point is that what you eat has an impact on your health. I applaud your efforts to eat organic and I, too, would say that green is definietely your color.

  3. denisermt says:

    Thanks, ladies! 🙂

    Many moons ago and B.C., I was a vegetarian for a few years. When I became pregnant with my first daughter, I craved red meat. So bizarre! Since then, I have been trying to get back there. We eat mostly organic free range chicken and eat very little red meat. I actually prefer the taste of organic meat and dairy products.

    A friend told me that I would really enjoy AMV, but it has been collecting dust on my bookshelf for quite some time now. When I actually crack it open and read it, I will let you know.

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