Sunday Running Log #15

Without hesitation, I ran 18 miles on Sunday and honestly, it wasn’t that bad.  It was no different than any other hurdle I faced in the past, except that I wore my shnazzy SPIbelt with a sports bar tucked inside to refuel at the 13 mile mark.  My pace was decent, but I didn’t try to set any new records with my time (3:39:30).


It certainly was an interesting run.  Tiffany and I saw two doe, two deer, two female deer, which funny enough was followed by ray, a drop of golden sun as we ran into the sunrise.  This led to me, a name I call myself, and Tiffany singing “Do-Re-Mi“.  We’ll do whatever it takes to make it through, because we certainly had far, a long, long way to run.  (Thanks for the inspiration, Tiffany.)


Then, after our first water break after a 5 mile run, a fast walking gentleman passed us and made a comment about our water bottles.  “So, you’re the ones with the bottles?” 


“Yes, it’s us and we need to rehydrate”, I replied in a sing-song voice.


Then, I looked at Tiffany with a puzzling look.  “Is he the one who pinched our bottles a few weeks back?  Do you think he’ll return them since he knows it’s us?”


I really do miss my 12 oz. lovely ergonomic sports bottle. *sigh*


Along with my usual running, this week’s plan also includes a hunt to find new shoes.  My once new shoes are now shot and I am beginning to feel that familiar pain in my knees.  Hopefully, I can find a reasonably priced pair this week.  I need to break in a pair in the next few weeks before I can even think about running in new shoes in a marathon.


  1. lindsay says:

    love that you guys broke out in song and i’m inspired by your ability to just get out there and do the long run. i usually dilly-dally and don’t get out for a couple hours after originally planned. this is excusable in the cooler, winter weather, but in the summer it can really throw a wrench in things. what’s up with the water bottle thief? hope they magically show back up!

    ps – have you ever tried if you already know your style & size they usually have lower-priced shoes and free 2-day shipping.

  2. morethananelectrician says:

    The two of you should have kicked his ass.

    No talking is allowed between different group of runners. A head nod, a wave…maybe a “hi” but nothing else.

    The mere mention of the water bottle should have been enough to warrant the ass kicking.

    • denisermt says:

      @MTAE- LOL 🙂 I just wished I had my mace yesterday!

      @Lindsay- The cold weather does make me lazy and want to hibernate, but for my Sunday runs, I psyche myself up for it. Thanks for the tips about I will look there first.

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