A Mean Bark

Leslie of The Hungry Housewife has told me repeatedly how easy it is to make peppermint bark.  This year, I decided to give it a shot after refusing to take out a loan to purchase Williams-Sonoma’s lovely stash or waiting for it to be marked down.  After all, I need to brag about eating peppermint bark to Karen for our Friday Food Fight and I can’t wait for it to go on clearance to do it.


So, I decided to follow Leslie’s advice and her recipe and I made my own batch of peppermint bark.  It really was so easy and soooooooo good.  It even passed Iron Chef Allan’s taste test.



Look! I even put it in a fancy tin!



I’m taking orders, if you’d like some. It will cost you $26.50, plus $4.95 shipping and handling.


Link up and see what Karen and Kirsten are serving for this week’s Friday Food Fight.


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  1. Teresa says:

    I’ve never considered making my own peppermint bark before seeing yours. WS is one of my favorite places but I think I’ll find some pretty tins of my own to fill with some of these budget friendly goodies.

  2. Mom-on-a-Wire says:

    How have I never heard of this before!! That looks amazing . . . and the tin is just fabulous (I have a bit of a thing for gorgeous homeware).

    I would love to try it but I’m not sure how customs would feel bout it :-)!

  3. Krystyn says:

    Oh that looks tasty.

    We have a problem with crushing peppermint here..it gets all sticky and gooey. Maybe I’ll have to order some from you…after it goes on sale!

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