Soup du Jour Vlog: How to Save Fresh Herbs

soupdujour_blogbuttonI don’t have a green thumb and can’t garden to save my life.  Since I my backyard seriously lacks a beautiful garden full of leafy vegetables and herbs (and even grass for that matter), I am forced to buy fresh cut herbs at the supermarket, farmer’s markets or produce stands.

I love buying fresh herbs and using them in recipes, however, I hate watching the leftover bunch wilt in my fridge.  A few recipes will ask to use a whole bunch, but most only require a tablespoon or a ¼ cup.  So how do you save a bunch of fresh cut herbs?


I explain it all in this week’s Soup du Jour vlog.


So what DIY tips do you have to share?  Have you had any Aha moments with the help of Pinterest?

Link up and share them and remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel while you’re at it.


  1. Kelly Wade says:

    I’ve never actually bought a bunch of fresh herbs simply because of this reason- I knew I wouldn’t use it all before they went bad. This is a great tip! I’ve also heard of freezing them in cubes but it seems like they would taste better and fresher saving them this way.

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