Oh Snap!

Although, I haven’t racked up the miles as much as I would have liked to this week, it seems that the miles that I did manage to run recorded some of my best times.


There were some nasty winds brought on my Hurricane Ida Tuesday morning, however, my new running mantra (Run in all weather because you never know what weather race day will bring.  NO EXCUSES!”) requires forces me to run in all weather.  Now, if only I could get enough rest at night to get up out of bed in the morning.  It looks like I need a mantra to make me move, too.

5 Miles


Ave Pace 9:26


On Thursday, I ran again on very frigid (for Florida) morning.  A cold snap had rolled through and our temperatures dropped to the low 50s.  There was more wind again, but it didn’t seem to slow me down too much.


5.05 Miles


Ave Pace 9:30


As I ran my 5 miles, I spotted a squashed creature in the road.  I thought it was toad due to all the rain, but upon closer inspection, I realized it was a baby alligator about a foot in length.  Seems like the rains and winds of Ida in addition to a cold snap confused all walks of life and I had to wonder:  Do you cry crocodile tears when an alligator gets run over?


Today, I ran once again, but only 3 miles since I wanted to do some strength training.  It was another cold morning (relative to Florida) but I believe the shorter distance did me some good or maybe it’s the cold snap.

3.10 Miles


Ave Pace 9:06


Tomorrow, Tiffany and I will meet the Striders for another 12-13 miles along the trail.  Next Sunday is the Women’s Half Marathon and we are hoping to finish under 2 hours.  Then, on Thanksgiving morning, we’ll be joining several Striders and thousands of people for the Turkey Trot.  I would love to beat my time from last year with a finish time of 54:00 otherwise i maybe crying crocodile tears once more.


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