In lieu of giving up something for my Lenten obligation, I decided to count my blessings. To do so, I made a list of 40 items (one for each day of Lent) to which I am grateful for and consider... Continue reading →
After picking up my Iron Girl race packet at Fit2Run at International Plaza, I stopped by The Pub for a pint. I was pretty bummed that my race shirt was too small, so I drowned my sorrows in a Breckenridge... Continue reading →
So hubbie had his gall bladder surgery a couple of weeks ago and it went well and he’s healing nicley, but it really put a monkey wrench in my running. Since the surgery was a few days after my half-marathon,... Continue reading →
Since they sobbed themselves to sleep after reuniting Daisy with her owner, Allan wanted to heal the girls’ broken hearts with a dog. He searched rescue sites and sent inquiry emails for a replacement Pomeranian. Only to have his request... Continue reading →
Alternative Title – Janathon Days 22, 24 and 25 Well, Tiffany and I made it through 8 miles. It wasn’t the best run, but we did it. At least, I got to catch up with Tiffany for an uninterrupted... Continue reading →
Day 19, I ran 4 miles. My time was o.k. 4 Miles Time 48:06 Ave Pace 12:02 Max Pace 9:40 The run wasn’t too bad, but I had forgotten that I needed to fast for my blood work later... Continue reading →