Blissful Beach Runs

Thankfully, I managed to keep my binge drinking under control for the first couple of days during my girlfriend getaway to Anna Maria Island.  I skipped out of late night slush fests with my mommy friends so I could enjoy the ultimate “me” time in the morning with runs along the beach.


Friday morning delivered beautiful bright skies that helped clear my mind.  A gentle breeze cooled my body as the rolling waves whispered encouraging words that soothed my soul. 

3 Miles

Time 30:06

Ave Pace 10:02



Saturday provided little breeze, but another beautiful view challenged me to run a little further.

4 Miles

Time 41:23

Ave Pace 10:20




Saturday evening, I celebrated my last night of freedom with my 16 mommy friends with a heavy consumption of beer.  Obviously, I was in no shape for running the next day, but with having to pack up and leave there really wasn’t any time for one last run on the beach Sunday morning.


As a result of all this torture training, my quads are tight and cramping and my shins are also sore.  I’m sure it’s delayed onset pain from the Wednesday’s speedwork and two days of running in the sand.  Whatever the reason, I’ve spent most of the day stretching…and sobering.


  1. Dorothy Stahlnecker says:

    Sounds like a good time and a fit time along with friends which usually means a great recharge for the mental part of our brains. Great photos the beach looks so inviting.

    Dorothy from grammology

  2. lindsay says:

    nice runnings on your mini-vacation! i always have a hard time making myself go run when i’m off with friends somewhere. hope the soreness passes quickly!

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