BODYARMOR sent me an amazing assortment of flavors to try and compensated me for my honest review. Since I was the Suncoast Strider shelter host on Saturday, I decided to share them with my running club. I set up a sampling station under the shelter to see what others thought of the all-natural recovery drink.
BODYARMOR comes in six tasty flavors: grape, tropical punch, fruit punch, mixed berry, strawberry banana and orange mango. Each are made with natural ingredients such as coconut water for electrolytes and sweetened with natural fruit flavors and real sugar and contains NO artificial flavors or colors and NO sweeteners such as high fructose corn syrup or stevia. (Personally, I love that!) BODYARMOR has more electrolytes than the leading sports drink and is loaded with vitamins and minerals. BODYARMOR is also low in sodium and high in potassium and contains no caffeine.
But how did BODYARMOR taste?
OUTSTANDING! Hands-down everyone loved the refreshing BODYARMOR flavors. Even my very picky friend, Chrissy, loved the real fruit, not too sweet taste.
Typically, I only rehydrate after a long run with coconut water or chocolate milk and tend to stay away from the recovery sports drinks, however, I really did enjoy the BODYARMOR products and plan to make it part of recovery routine after a long run.
BODYARMOR can be purchased online or at a local retailer near you. Use the BODYARMOR store locator to find where to purchase these Suncoast Striders and Run DMT approved BODYARMOR recovery drinks and be sure to follow BODYARMOR on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
As the Suncoast Striders shelter host, I also brought bananas and baked Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bars using the Two Peas and Their Pod recipe which came out perfect! Even my friend, Andrea, said they weren’t “too pumpkiny.” However, my delicious pumpkin treats were…eh hem…upstaged by Ron’s gooey Pumpkin Caramel Bars and a Monster Oreo Pumpkin dessert. I only had small bite and it was a delicious pumpkiny mess.
With tapering before the Chicago Marathon, I had a very light running week. The weather has been so beautiful and I just want to feel fall while it lasts because it warms back up pretty quickly here in Florida. I managed to squeeze in some strength training by making it to Body Pump last Friday.
Today, I went for an easy 3 mile run because I wanted to test out my new Nike pants. As part of #TeamDannyDid, the Danny Did Foundation sent me a shirt to wear and Chrissy lent me her blue sparkle skirt. Here’s the whole complete ensemble. Don’t you just love the new wild print pattern of the Nike Epic Run Capri?
With this wild print capri pant, I’m hoping Daffodil, Chrissy and the other #TeamDannyDid runners will be able to spot me in the crowd. But more importantly, I wanted to wear pants because it’s going to be a lot cooler in Chicago than I’m used to and to prevent chaffing.
Since I’m running the Chicago Marathon for my niece, Meghan, I also ordered this bib from Races2Remember to wear on my back. R2R rushed the order right out to me and they were an absolute pleasure to work with! If you are running in a loved one’s memory, I HIGHLY recommended using their service to order custom bib.
Although the farthest I ran during my training is 18 miles, I’m not nervous about the marathon. Well, the Windy City weather has me nervous, but I’m more worried about not reaching my Danny Did Fundraising Goal before Sunday as I still have about $600 balance remaining. If I don’t reach my goal of $1500, I will have to pay the difference.
Out of 140 Chicago Marathon charity partners, I chose the Danny Did Foundation because they helped my niece, Meghan, by providing her with an EMFIT monitor. I thought my family’s personal connection to the organization would make fundraising more meaningful and somewhat less of a challenge, but I’m finding the opposite to be true. Now that’s it’s breast cancer awareness month, everyone is thinking pink. I fear even less people will be inclined to give to #TeamDannyDid with so many breast cancer prevention organizations raising money for breast cancer awareness.
If you can spare some pocket change, please donate here and please share my fundraising page with your friends. If you are active on social media, please share this link with your fans and followers.
Or even TWEET THIS: Help @denisermt reach her #TeamDannyDid #epilepsy #fundraising goal for @DannyDidOrg & @ChiMarathon. Donate here
Thank you in advance for your support and donations!