Decide to Drive and Catchphrase Contest

“Mommy, two hands!” My almost four year old mini police officer yelled at me.

“I’m just changing the radio station.”


It’s remarkable in this hands-free world, my preschooler understands the importance of keeping hands on the wheel and staying focused on the road. To keep my preschooler police man from yelling at me, I need to be more proficient on the controls located on my steering wheel.

steering wheel

As a runner, even when I’m not behind the wheel, I often find myself aware of the road. For my safety, I have to be aware of distracted drivers. On any given busy commuter morning, I will see several drivers rolling though stop signs. Some are talking on their cell phones. Others have their faces in their phones while driving. For the most part, none of the drivers are aware of me even though I am well aware of them.

In an information-rich, social media savvy, instant gratification society, it’s difficult to fight temptation to stay off our phones.  We hear that text chime and our curiosity gets the best of us. Who is it? Is it important or just chit chat text?

At stoplights, I will often see drivers sneaking a peek at their phones. Inevitability, when the light turns green a few moments later, an impatient driver will honk to alert the distracted driver to drive through the traffic light rather than sitting and reading the phone.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), of the nearly 33,000 roadway fatalities in 2012, there were 3,328 fatalities and approximately 421,000 injuries in distracted driving-related crashes. Orthopaedic surgeons—the specialists who put bones and limbs back together after road crashes and traumas—along with our partners, the automakers, would rather help all drivers “decide to drive” each time they get in the car and to keep bones and limbs intact.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the Auto Alliance have teamed up to deter distracted drivers and help make roads safe and increase. Through a collaborative “Decide to Drive” call to action campaign, the AAOS and the Auto Alliance want to increase awareness about the risks of distracted driving while encouraging all drivers to take back the roads.

Decide to Drive Wreck list

The Decide to Drive program aims to empower drivers and passengers to speak up about distracted driving, continue the conversation at home, work and play, and reduce distracted behaviors behind the wheel.  With a “Rate and Report” online submission form, drivers can take immediate action in an effective manner.

Remember, the most advanced safety feature of any vehicle is the driver. The AAOS and the Auto Alliance urges all drivers to keep their most sophisticated safety features engaged at all times: eyes on the road and hands on the wheel.

It’s not the cleverest slogan, but it’s the most direct and effective.

Do you have a way with words?

Can you create a better, more creative and effective safety slogan to convince other drivers to decide to drive and end distracted drivers?

Enter in the Decided to Drive Catchphrase Contest. Top prize is a $1,000 Visa Gift Card and the potential of having your idea featured prominently in a nationwide Decide to Drive campaign! Two runners-up will receive $500 Visa Gift Cards. Contest is open to everyone 18+ in the US

What message can you see on social media, bumper stickers, posters, logos, campaign materials, etc.?

Can you create something creative, funny, clever or just simply powerful that will “drive” the message home?

Enter here. Decide to Drive Catchphrase Contest ends Friday, June13.

Decide to Drive

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

One comment

  1. Haley @ Running with Diapers says:

    These are really great reminders. I am guilty of letting the iPod or my toddler distract me from time to time. Heaven forbid that she drops her sippy cup or snack while I’m on the interstate. I do tend to keep my attention on the road more than my hubby though. He is terrible.

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