Disclosure: I have been compensated by Hass Avocados to share nutritional facts and my love for Hass avocados. My opinion and love of avocados is my own and real.
Remember when people were scared of foods high in fat?
As researchers learn more about natural foods with good fats, we better understand the benefits of these once seen as “bad foods”. Turns out, the natural fats found in food are actually good for us, such as the fabulous good for you fats found in one avocado.
Avocados contain naturally good monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fats which replaces saturated fat. These naturally good fats are an important part of a healthy diet and help reduce cholesterol.
As reported in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
“Replacing some saturated fatty acids with unsaturated fatty acids lowers both total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) blood cholesterol levels. Studies show replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat, while staying within calorie needs, is more effective in reducing the risk of heart disease than simply lowering total fat intake. Research also supports the importance of improving the fat quality of the diet by choosing better fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are associated with improved blood lipids.”
As a runner, I understand the importance of fueling my body with the right foods. I choose foods that replenish my body with nutrients which are depleted after a long run or intense workout. Natural foods like avocados offer repairing properties at the cellular level. One-fifth of a medium avocado (1 oz.) has 50 calories and contributes nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, making it a good choice to help meet nutrient needs.
Learn more about the amazing health benefits of avocados here and learn to love one today.
Besides making delicious guacamole, a few slices of Hass avocado makes a great toppings for so many meals, such as salads, soups or sandwiches. Try a Hass avocado in smoothie or even use it as a baking substitute to replace butter or vegetable oil. Visit Love One Today to discover additional recipes and other great ways to use avocados.
Of course, I enjoy eating Hass avocados as a snack right out of the peel. My kids are fascinated when I use a grapefruit spoon to scoop out the pit and devour creamy avocado flesh like a pudding cup. With my silly, yet simple snack method of eating a Hass avocado, I’m modeling good eating habits which ultimately is the best way to teach our children healthy eating.
Salsa Verde Pepper Jack Turkey Burger with Avocado
But don’t take my word for it. See what Love One Today PH.D – Pretty Healthy Dudes have to say about being healthy.
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This is amazing. You know that bacon and avocado are my two main food groups, right?? 😉
Avocado is the worlds superfood!! So amazing. My kids eat them like apples.
Avocado is actually a fruit.
I will readily admit that I am no lover of avocado. In the past it had to be blended into something or have the flavor dominated by something else. I do know it has a lot of great benefits, I use them on my face…does that count? 🙂 When I was in South America they were used in many dishes so I have learned that depending on the food they are paired with, I can enjoy them.
The kids were so cute! I learned that avocados have all good fats with no cholesterol.
My love for avocados came later in life when I moved to California a few years ago. It’s on everything there! Now, I eat one at least once a week. Never thought I’d be the person to just sit down with an avocado and spoon, but now it’s my favorite way to eat them!
Audrey | http://www.keygypsy.com
I thought I never liked avocados until we grew our own. wow – crazy good & buttery! Love Kellie’s face cream comment too 🙂
Those kids are adorable!! I didn’t realize that avocado was a fruit…I never really thought about it before.
I love me an avocado!
I learned an avocado is a fruit.
I learned they are a fruit rather than a vegetable. I never knew the seed is what made something a fruit.
I learned that avocados are fruit.
Avocados are a fruit not a vegetable because they have a seed in them.
I learned that avocados are fruits because they have seeds.
I learned they think dairy comes from Dairy Queen. LOL!
I learned that avocado is a fruit because it has a pit.
Avocado is actually a fruit!!
Avocados are a fruit – and dairy comes from dairy queen!
I learned that avocados are considered a fruit.
I learned: Since avocados have a seed, they are considered a fruit.
I learned that an avocado is a fruit.
I learned that avocado is a fruit
I learned an avocado is a fruit.
I learned that avocados are a fruit
Thanks for the nice giveaway!
I learned that avocados are a fruit not a vegetable and that dairy comes from Dairy Queen lol
I learned that avocado is a fruit. Also, that kids today are a lot more knowledge of heath and nutrition than I was growing up! 🙂
I learned that avocados are actually a fruit!
I already knew that avocados are a fruit. =)
I learned that they are actually a fruit.
I learned that avocados are versatile- they can be used as guacamole, in a salad or enjoyed plain with salt.
I learned that avocados are a fruit because they have a seed.
Avocadoes are fruits!
I learned that avocados are a fruit
I learned that avocados are a fruit
I Learned That Avocado Is A Fruit.
I learned that dairy comes from Dairy Queen! haha 🙂 love it. And that avocado is a fruit.
I learned that the cutie patootie thought a vegetarian was a veterinarian!
I learned an avocado is a fruit!
totally forgot or didn’t realize it is a fruit!!
that an avocado is a fruit
Avocado is literally one of my favorite foods. However, I learned that it has no cholesterol. Makes them an even cooler “fruit”!.
Avocados are a fruit.. Duh, seeds, right? Why didn’t I realize that before?
I’ve been eating avocado ever since I was very little. It was a staple at our house with dinner almost every night. It still is. 🙂
I learned that avocado is a fruit!
I learned that avocados are a fruit.
I did not know they were fruits.
I have never eaten a avocado….crazy huh? lol I learned quite a bit actually but I never realized that avocados were versatile?! Guacamole yuummmm-D
An avocado is a fruit. And I’m going to try it in a smoothie now
I actually knew the fruit, fat, no cholesterol thing already, but I still think it’s amazing. But those kids, gahhh they are adorable. I LOVE avocados.
I learned that they are a healthy fat and can be used in sandwiches and salads!
<3 Avocados! Great post on them.
I learned Avocado is a fruit.
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