Day 19, I ran 4 miles. My time was o.k.
4 Miles
Time 48:06
Ave Pace 12:02
Max Pace 9:40
The run wasn’t too bad, but I had forgotten that I needed to fast for my blood work later that morning , which meant no tea, no protein shake, no banana. NOTHING. Just lots of water and by time I arrivde at the doctor’s office, I was pretty hydrated despite the color of my urine sample I left behind for my physical. Needless to say, I was STARVING by lunch time.
This morning (Day 20) I overslept and missed my 5:00 a.m. run. So, after the girls left for school, I did 25 minutes boot camp stuff with my BFF Sharon Mann and afterward I decided to run 3 miles with the baby in the stroller again. Thankfully, Little Lion Man cooperated and actually fell asleep. Phew. However, I still HATE running with a stroller. When I tweeted my time on Twitter, I whined about running with a stroller and @clairgp suggested doubling my distance when I run with a stroller. I really like that idea! When you think of it as 6.2 instead 3.1, I totally kicked ass!
Day 20
3.1 Miles (a.k.a 6.2 stroller miles)
Time 38:10
Ave Pace 12:38
Max Pace 8:54
Tomorrow I will work out again with my BFF Sharon Mann. Saturday, I take on 8 miles with my running partner, Tiffany and I’m really looking forward to it, which sounds like an odd thing to say when you’re running 8 miles. But It’s been WAY too long since we’ve run together and I’m looking forward to catching up with her for an hour and half of uninterrupted chit-chat time. Believe me. It will fly by.
Wow, I’m impressed. You are very hardcore!
Love the doublecounting stroller time though – definitely seems reasonable to me. Maybe if it’s icy too you can treble count even (then when you do your eight miles on Sat you can take stroller, run a couple of miles in the cold … and spend the vast majority of your allocated time in a nice warm coffee shop for the chatting bit????)
You are having some really great runs!! GOod job. 🙂
are you back at the point of running 8 miles without a walk break?
No, I’m not without a break. I walk during my water stops.
You are inspiring me to also “kick 40’s ass.” I have gone on 3 long morning hikes in the last 4 weekend days. Have you ever gone trail running rather than road running? I am thinking of giving it a try.
Yes, I love trail running. If you recall, when we go camping, I love to wake up early and run through hiking trails through the woods. The ground is a bit uneven and I have tripped a few times.
Wow! That’s a lot of running! I wish I liked running. But I don’t. Lol
Great job!!!!
D – I am ready for a trail run and know two spots within 15 minutes of the hood! If you want to go some time and need a partner, lemme know.
Oh that sounds like fun! I’m totally up for that!
You name the morning and we’ll do it! As you know, I am up hours before Erika so my weekend mornings are usually wide open.
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