Pinning and Planning – August 11 {Dinner Menu}

I survived my first triathlon of the season.  There are two things you can guarantee about me when I compete in a triathlon.

Firstly, I am a basket case the week leading up to the tri.  I am a nervous wreck.  I’m edgy and jumpy and barking at everyone.  I get so worked up and worrying about every minute detail.  There’s just so much to think about in a tri which is completely different from a road race where you just run until you see the finish line.  Lucky for me, Aunt Flo came to visit. Nothing like a woman on the edge PMSing!  I was a woman on the edge, on the edge.  Does that make me a double edge sword?

Secondly, I am absolutely RAVENOUS after a tri.  I can’t eat immediately after crossing the finish line because the thought of eating while my body temperature is so high makes me want to vomit, although I’ll try to force something down like a banana or chocolate milk just to get some nutrients in me.  But hours later, I’m starving.  I can’t even get enough food in me and I crave bad food.

Last night, I wanted Publix fried chicken. If you have never eaten Publix fried chicken, then you just ain’t living.  I swim, bike and run just for the excuse to tear into a crispy, juicy chicken leg. Oh yeah.  To avoid the disapproving looks, I did eat a large mixed green salad with my fried chicken.  It’s all about balance, you see.

Speaking of balance, we’re still on track for eating healthy again in our house and I’m still trying to avoid bad carbs, except for my triathlon celebratory fried chicken and Friday night pizza.  Don’t judge.

The kids go back to school a week from tomorrow, so we will be spending this week trying to eat dinner earlier and getting back to a regular bedtime routine.  No more late nights!

With that, here’s our dinner menu lines up this week.  Anywhere you see a bread item or starchy item in the menu, I will omit it from my own dinner plate or substitute with mashed cauliflower or lettuce wraps.

S – Lentil soup and salad

M –Roasted Veggies and Reduced Fat Feta Sandwiches

T – Sautéed Tilapia with Lemon-Peppercorn Pan Sauce on Couscous (Mashed Cauliflower  – no carb option)

W – Easy Beef Satay with Steamed Broccoli

Th – Ground Turkey Tacos (Lettuce Wraps- No carb option)

F – Pizza

What’s on your dinner menu this week?  What new dinner ideas are you pinning and planning?

Plan your menu for the week and if you have some favorite food pins, add those too.  Then, link up and share your post.

1. Run DMT  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Nichole C says:

    Yummy menu! I love turkey tacos; lately I have been using ground chicken in lieu of turkey, but both I love. Congrats on the triathlon, I’d celebrate with fried chicken too 🙂

  2. Laura @ Mommy Run Fast says:

    Looks like a delicious week! Congrats on your triathlon! I’m the same way after a big race event- not hungry right away, but starving for the rest of the day. Glad you could enjoy your treats!

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