If you’re just hearing about February’s Love My Abs Challenge for the first time, it’s not too late to join in the fun. Basically, we started with a 100 dally ab exercises and tweeted about our achievements. (This week we move up to 120 exercises.) Then, each Wednesday, I’ll host a linky party for you to link up and share your recap post or add your Twitter handle.
That’s it. Now sit-up and take action! Show your abs some love this February!
A week into the challenge and I’m already seeing a difference in my waist. Although I didn’t measure myself with a tape measure at the start of the challenge, I would estimate that I have lost about an inch around my waist. The real measure is the reduction of spillage over the top of my pants. My muffin top is deflating.
No real ab muscles popping up yet, but I know there in there somewhere. I’ll just keep at it.
Here’s a photo of my abs after one week and a rundown of the ab exercise I did this week. I also learned about the #plankaday challenge via @runningmom2boys and @Amanda_Mowry, so I’m plugging along with planks in that challenge too.
Day 2
(Unplanned resistance training thanks to Little Lion Man pulling my hair with every crunch.)
40 crunches
40 bicycles
40 cross-over crunches
1 minute planks
50 pushups
Day 3
40 crunches
40 bicycles
40 cross-over crunches
20 reps of pilates
50 pushups
Day 4
2 x :30 planks
60 crunches
60 cross-over crunches
50 pushups
Day 5
60 crunches
60 cross-over crunches
2 x 30 second planks
Day 6
60 crunches
60 cross-over crunches
2 x 30 second planks
25 push-ups
Day 7
60 crunches
60 cross-over crunches
50 push-ups
Day 8
40 crunches
40 bicycles
60 cros-over crunches
Like I said, I’m already seeing results. How about you?
You look fantastic!!!! Keep up the great work!
Your abs look great! I should start this.
Awesome Abs!! Ya know what worked for me?? I do a Mat Pilates class 2 or 3 times a week and that has made ALL the difference in the world!!
Wow you look amazing! After one week? Okay, I’m inspired. I want to deflate my muffin top, too. Although I won’t be posting photos of mine.
Wow… that is an amazing transformation.
Great job! You look great! definitely an inspiration for me to work hard!
Glad that you are my friend in spite of my slothness
I’m confirming that your abs have become more defined already!!!
WOW! Huge difference. Way to go.
You are awesome! Yes, they look better after one week!
Not that they needed to look “better”. You look amazing!
Wow, already such a difference! You look great!
wow, you look great! Totally motivating!