Ever play 52 card pick-up? How throwing in some exercises that it? Holy burpees, Batman! I about died in last Wednesday’s Body Back session.
Regina pre-determined exercise for each face card. The number value determined the duration of exercise. I think I did 1000 squats and a bazillion burpees. My legs were toast and I loved it!
On Thursday, I woke up late and missed my run with the Striders. After Wednesday’s Body Back session, I don’t think my broken legs could keep up with them anyway. So, I ran 6 miles in my neighborhood. My Garmin is totally gone so you’re just going to have to trust me on the distance and time. And trust me. It was pitiful.
6 Miles
Ave Pace 11:40
For Friday’s Body Back session, we took it outdoors to tackle our gremlins. I loved the change of scenery and I loved that Regina added sprints in between each set. The work-out was just as tough as facing and battling our gremlins. The gremlins are comfortable. They’re easy. Pushing yourself is tough.
Saturday, I ran the Rap River Run 5K. I’ve got some exciting news about that race, which will be shared in a recap post later this week. Here’s a sneak peek while you wait.
Sunday, I rested. The family and I headed down to my sister’s place in Indian rocks for a Father’s Day cook-out. It was a blast. We stayed until sunset and then kids went for a quick night swim before the storm rolled in.
Monday was another spin day. I think I sweated out all the Moscato from Father’s Day. Later that evening, I visited FitNiche in Hyde Park for a run followed by a question and answer session with Jeff Galloway.
Between the one night only showing of “The Rise of the Cybermen” and Jeff Gallway in Tampa, two once-in-a-lifetime events were happening on the same day and I wasn’t sure if I should spend with evening with The Doctor or The Runner. In the end, the runnerd side of me overruled the sci-fi geek in me and I went for a run with Jeff.
For this Galloway RunChat, we followed an easy 3 mile 15:15 walk-run (15 second run -15 seconds walk with about an 11:30 pace) through the streets of Hyde Park Village to Bayshore Blvd. I have to admit, it was hard for me to keep that slow and steady pace. I wanted to run faster and longer before walking. But then, it was pretty humid out and I’m not used to running at night. The slow and steady helped me slow down.
As we ran along, Jeff offered advice and chatted with each of us. Of course, I couldn’t resist the selfie star struck moment.

Jeff Galloway and Run DMT
According to Jeff, his Galloway method helps to keep your brain in check and prevents fatigue. Honestly, I find a 4:1 or a 10:1 to be the best way to train in the heat. I welcome those breaks, especially to take in some water and rehydrate.
At the end of the run, I forced encouraged everyone to join me in a group selfie with Jeff.
And then another.
After the run, a runner approached me and said, “Are you Run DMT?”
“Yes, that’s me!”
“I’m a HUGE fan of your blog! I adore you!”
“Oh my goodness! I adore you now! Thank you for saying “hello” to me! Can we hug?”
And of course, Angelina and I took another selfie to celebrate the moment. You can see the real time Instagram moment here.
And then, I posed for another photo in the store with Jeff again. It was a great night!
Today was Track Tuesday. After spinning and running the day before, I wasn’t ready to face anything more than 6 x 400s yet. Besides, it’s just too hot to go longer and do more repeats. As you can see, I’m still battling stupid gremlins!
Chrissy missed last week and only felt like 4 repeats. I was good with that. We ran a mile warm-up, 4 x 400s and then 1 mile cool down. Since I haven’t repaired my Garmin yet, I borrowed the stats from Chrissy’s watch.
Later that morning, I returned to Body Pump Express with Leyna at the Y. It was so good to be back at Body Pump after missing two weeks. Leyna thought so too. “Hey Denise! So good to see you again! We’ve missed you!”
That made me day!
I’ve had so many great running and fitness great moments this week. I feel like I’m on an eternal runner’s high.
Sounds like you’ve bounced back from your sickness, WooHoo! And I’m intrigued by that pic with the award…at least I’m assuming you got an award, right?? 🙂 Love your dedication and perseverance – you are my HERO. 🙂
Great selfies!!!
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