Have you ever ran a virtual race?
Virtual races are great motivators, particularly during these quarantine days. To explain why you should run a virtual race, I outlined five reasons in a previous post.
Basically, virtual races fit perfectly into your schedule; race however you want, whenever you want. It’s your race. So make it work for you – run, walk or bike or a combination of all three. Do it alone or bring along the family for fun.
The month of May offers many fun themed virtual races from Mother’s Day to Memorial Day, from May the 4th to Cinco de Mayo and even some Coronavirus themed ones, too. Whether you want to geek out or get patriotic, there is a fun race for every mood and holiday.

Star Wars Themed Virtual Races
Sadly, runDisney cancelled its Star Wars weekend and did not offer any virtual options, unless you signed up for the Virtual Star Wars Virtual Half Marathon before it had sold out. If you are looking for a virtual race from a galaxy far, far away, I got you covered, Baby Yoda. These races are perfect for Star Wars fans and wook-alikes!
Since May the 4th is fast approaching, many of the Star Wars themed races have May 1st deadlines. Set it into warp speed and register quickly!

Fit You Seek. Run You Must.
- $34.95 + 6.95 shipping and handling fees
- 5K or 10K
- Bib
- Race t-shirt
- Baby Yoda medal
- Benefits First Responders Children’s Foundation
- Register BEFORE May 4th.
- Honor system time submission
May the 4th Be With You Virtual 4K
- $35.00 Race Fee + $4.00 SignUp Fee before April 23/ 40.00 after April 23
- 4K = 2.48 miles
- AT-AT Walker medal
- Race t-shirt
- Benefits the American Association for Cancer Research.
- Limited spots available
- Post results on Facebook and/or Instagram.
May the 4th Mile Be With You/X-Marks the Spot 10K
- 4 miles – $32 + fees
- 10 miles – $32 + fees
- Challenge ( 4 miles + 10 miles) – $55 + fees
- Baby Yoda medal for 4 miler
- X-Fighter for 10 miler
- Both medals for challenge
- Bib
- Submits results to race page
May the Fourth Be With You
- 5K/10K/Half Marathon/Marathon
- Baby Yoda bottle opener medal and bib – $32.75 (shipping included)
- Medal, bib and tech shirt – $39.75 (shipping included)
- Benefits First Responders Children’s Foundation
- Share results on social media #medaldash
Geek Pride 2020
- May 25 – Geek Day
- $22 (includes shipping)
- 1 Mile, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon or Marathon
- Geek fandom themed medal (Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Doctor Who)
- Bib
- Benefits Pencils of Promise
- Submit race results online
Failure Is Not Option
- $10
- 5K, 10K, 13.1
- Space shuttle theme medal
- Bib
- Manually log your miles online
Cinco de Mayo Virtual Races

Cinco de Mayo
- $25 + fees
- 15% discount for military and first responders
- 5K – run, walk, treadmill, or bike
- Mexican themed bottle opener
- T-shirt
- Benefits 1 Wish
- Submit race results online or on social media. #VirtualRunDotCom
Cinco de Miler
- $44 + fees
- 5K
- Gold calavera skull finisher’s medal
- Long sleeve tech race shirt
- Bib
- Extra fun surprise goodies
- Benefits the Chicago Community COVID-19 Response Fund
- Submit results to leadership board online
Cinco de Duo Virtual Duathlon
- $25 + $1.25 fees – Kids Duathlon- Run- .25 miles/ Bike- 5 miles/ Run- 1.25 miles
- $35 + $ 1.50 fees – Adult Sprint Duathlon- Run- 1.5 miles/ Bike- 16 miles/ Run- 3.1miles
- $35 + $1.50 fees – Adult Olympic Duathlon- Run- 2 miles/ Bike- 26 miles/ Run- 6.2 miles
- $95 + $2.85 fees – Duathlon Family of 4 Virtual Event
- Medal
- Bib
- T-shirt
- Benefits American Nurses Foundation Coronavirus Relief Fund
- Submit a photo to private Facebook group.
- Top 3 most creative Cinco de Mayo photos will win an award
- Results posted on leadership board online
Virtual Fiesta de Mayo
- 5K – $39.99 + fees (price increase after April 30)
- 10K – $39.99 + fees
- Half Marathon – $44.99 + fees
- Fiesta de Mayo medal
- T-shirt
- Irving Marathon Running Series Bag
- Finisher’s certificate
Mother’s Day Virtual Races

Mother’s Day Run/Walk
- $29.00 until 4/30 + fees
- 5K, 10K or Half Marathon
- Purple floral medal
- Race t-shirt
- Bib
- Benefits WINGS
- Submit finish time on site.
Mom Needs a Run
- FIRSTRACE to get $5 off
- $29.00 until 4/30 + fees
- 5K
- Spinning mother runner medal
- Race t-shirt or tank
- Bib
- Submit finish time via app.
- Benefits OSOAmil.
Mama Rocks 5K
- $25 + fees
- 15% off for military and first responders
- 5K – run, walk, treadmill, or bike
- Mom and child themed medal
- T-shirt
- Benefits 1 Wish
- Submit race results online or on social media. #VirtualRunDotCom
Super Mother Runner 5K
- 10% off first order when sign up for email
- $26.99 + fees
- 5K
- Super mom medal
- Superhero themed visor
- Bib
- Benefits Dress for Success Mid-Fairfield
- Submit finish time via app.
Mother’s Day
- $22 (includes shipping)
- 1 Mile, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon or Marathon
- Bouquet themed metal
- Bib
- Benefits Vitamin Angels
- Submit race results online
I Heart Mom 5K
- $29 + fees
- 5K
- Virtual 5K – Run anytime and anywhere
- I Heart Mom 5K Tattoo Inspired Medal
- I Heart Mom 5K Race Bib
- I Heart Mom 5K zipper pouch
- One lucky participant will be randomly selected to win a $100 gift card to rabbit running apparel.
- Special discount for all participants at rabbit running apparel (emailed after the event)
- First 50 people to register will receive a limited edition Nuun water bottle and Nuun sample.
- Submit results to our leaderboard online
- Virtual Goodie Bag for all participants
- Benefits First Responders Children’s Foundation.
International Women’s Day Run
- $40 (includes shipping and handling)
- 5K
- T-shirt
- Purple women’s symbol metal
- Benefits The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
- Share race results via email or in Facebook group.
Ringmaster of the S*** Show
- $35
- 5K/10K
- Bib
- Upgrade for T-shirt – $42
- Referral code discount
- Benefits local food pantries
Memorial Day Virtual Races

For Them Virtual Race
- $30.00 Race Fee + $2.50 SignUp Fee
- T-shirt
- Bib
- Benefits Maine Gold Star Family Memorial
- Registration deadline May 1
Land That I Run
- 10% off first order when sign up for email
- $26.99 – 39.99 + fees
- 4 miles
- USA stars and stripes medal
- Race t-shirt or tank
- Downloadable bib
- Additional gear available for purchase
- Submit finish time via app.
- Benefits Wear Blue: Run to Remember
All 4 Run
- 10% off first order when sign up for email
- $15.99 + fees
- 4 miles
- USA and flag medal
- Magnet
- Bib
- Additional gear available for purchase
- Submit finish time via app.
- Benefits Achilles International
Coronavirus Themed Virtual Races

Quarantine 2020 Stir Crazy 19
- $19 + fees
- 19 miles
- Sign up for emails for 10% off first purchase
- Glow in the dark 4 inch medal
- Coordinating commemorative printed race bib
- *Shirt available for an additional purchase – $22
- Benefits the Erin Regan Animal Sanctuary.
- Manually log your miles and get a street view of your location on a preset imaginary course
Great Potty Paper Race
- $19 + fees
- 5K
- Bib
- Toilet paper themed medal – “Charmedal”
- Additional toilet paper charms can be purchased (individual or a set)
- T-shirt available for an additional purchase $19
- Manually log your miles
- Benefits several charity partners (See website.)
Coronabusters – I Ain’t Afraid of No Soap 19K
- $27 +$3 processing fee
- 19K (11.81 miles)
- Sign up via email for race discount
- Corona Buster medal
- Corona Buster patch
- Bib
- T-shirt added fee ($21.30)
- Time submission required
- Share on social media @virtualrunchallenge #virtualrunchallenge
- Benefits Project Purple
Corona Virus Relief
- $30
- 5K/10K/Half Marathon
- 3D coronavirus molecule medal
- Attachable hand sanitizer *U.S only* (Additional can be purchased – $4 each.)
- Digital (free) or printed bib ($5)
- Submit finish time online
- Benefits Direct Relief
I Run to Kick Corona’s A**
- $34.95 + $6.95
- 5K/10K
- I Run 2 Kick Corona’s A$$ shirt OR tank
- Medal
- Bib
- Benefits First Responders Children’s Foundation
- Share finish time on social media #IRun2KickCorona #IRun4Movement
- Registration includes a chance to win cash & other cool prizes when you share your post run/walk photo on Instagram using #IRun2KickCorona #IRun4Movement
Crush Corona
- 5K/10K/Half Marathon/Marathon
- Medal and Bib – $32.75 (shipping included)
- Medal, bib and tech shirt – $37.75 (shipping included)
- Benefits First Responders Children’s Foundation
- Share results on social media #CRUSHCORONA
Running Is Not Canceled
- 10% off first order when sign up for email
- $26.99 + fees
- 5K
- Lanyard T-shirt plastic badge
- Choice of visor and socks
- Downloadable bib
- Additional gear available for purchase
- Benefits American Red Cross
- Submit finish time via app.
More Coronavirus themed races can be found here.
Which virtual race will you register for this May?

What a great list of virtual races. Also, I love that baby yoda fit you seek, run you must t-shirt. So cute!
Isn’t that Yoda one awesome?! Did you register for it?
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