Are you sick of turkey, pumpkin and all things squash related yet?
Me either. We’re still eating Thanksgiving dinner leftovers as well as a delicious day-after turkey soup Iron Chef Allan made.
Although we may have lots of leftovers stockpiled in our fridge, sadly it won’t last much longer; however, I still have plenty of turkey left to make my turkey enchiladas, which everyone in family gobbles up quite happily.
Thankfully, all the vegetables that make excellent side dishes are still on sale at our local supermarket. I love when Publix’s sale runs longer because of a holiday in the middle of the week. Therefore, I will be taking full advantage of all the meats and vegetables still on sale this week to serve some delicious soups, sauces and side dishes.
S – Roasted Acorn Squash with Drop Biscuits
M – Spaghetti with Creamy Butternut Leek Parmesan Sauce
W – Sautéed Tilapia with Lemon-Peppercorn Pan Sauce
Th – Mojo Marinated Sirloin with Roasted Veggies and Potato Balls
F – Pizza
Are still eating Thanksgiving leftovers? What things are you cooking up this week? Link up and share the delicious dishes you are pinning and planning to serve this week.
Plan your menu for the week and if you have some favorite food pins, add those too. Then, link up and share your post. If you’re not on Pinterest, send me an email and I’ll send you an invite.
I am so glad that you are still happy to have Thanksgiving leftovers. So many articles and blogs talk about getting tired of the leftovers…tired? I’m bumming, I went to my parents house and even with a care package, I am out of leftovers. Turkey day is one of my favorite meals and the leftovers are all delicious and welcome. Especially easy to reheat, since the invention of micorwaves. I can remember trying to reheat things in little pans on and in the stove. Went and checked out the squash spaghetti recipe; looks delicious and I will try it soon, thanks.
I hadn’t even thought of left overs (Im a weird one). Reading this reminded me that I need to go get all of the meat pulled off the turkey and use it for some dinner this week! Your turkey enchilada’s sound yummy, I also like turkey tetrazini.I am not a big left over fan, except for Thanksgiving leftovers, those are the best!
I stocked up on veggies at Parkesdale for this week, yay for healthy planning!