Juneathon 2012 – Day 1 and June Fitness Challenge

June 1 is a triple threat for me.  It’s the start of the hurricane season, which actually started early since we’ve had two tropical storms roll through already.  That’s not a good sign and I fear we may have a very wet and windy summer.  I don’t run in the rain.

Juneathon dude logoJune 1 also means the start of Juneathon, which started off great.  This morning, I began the Juneathon with a 3.1 mile run between thunderstorms.  It was a great run, but I’m just glad that I didn’t flake on Day 1 because of the weather because I was really tempted to stay in bed when I heard that storm.  And look, I even managed to blog about it.

3.1 miles

Time 31:20

Ave Pace 10:07

Max Pace 8:13

And finally, June 1 also starts the next Run DMT fitness challenge.

In a few more days, my kids will be home for summer break and we’ll spending many days at the pool and the beach, which also means I’ll be spending many days in a bathing suit.  I’m not ready to strut my stuff across the sand like I’m working a catwalk.

Even with all the miles on my legs, they still need a lot of work.  I really want to firm and tone up my legs and leave the waves in the water where they belong.

Therefore, selfishly the next Run DMT fitness challenge will be Sexy Legs for Summer and this can be accomplished with 6 simple sculpting and strengthening exercises.  If you’re not familiar with these exercises, I’ve included some videos to assist you.

1. Squat


2. Alternating forward lunges

3. Burpees

4. Inner thigh leg lifts

5. Jumping jacks

6. 60-second wall sit


Although #sexylegs blog button has a set number of reps for each exercise, feel free to do more reps or add some weights to the sets if you so desire.

To make the squats more challenging go wider and lower, but remember to watch your form and not let your knees lean over your toes.  To raise the bar even higher on this sexy those leg squats, add a leg lift to each squat to really work that outer thigh.

So besides me, who wants sexy legs this summer?

If you’re in, share 6 Steps for Sexy Legs This Summer challenge with others by adding the #sexylegs button to your site.  Then, follow #sexylegs on Twitter for motivation and support throughout the challenge.  Good luck!

Denise Mestanza-Taylor+


    • Run DMT says:

      LOL No, I won’t do these on long run days, but definitely on slow, short run days and rest days. I did start yesterday though.

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